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Menarini and art: a journey spanning 67 years

The Menarini Art Volume dedicated to Sandro Botticelli marks the latest chapter in a series that spans 67 years. The presentation event for this issue of the renowned collection, produced by the Menarini Group and dedicated to the great Renaissance master, took place on May 14, 2023, in the Salone Apollo of Palazzo Pucci in []

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Fondazione Internazionale Menarini and Art: Over 40 Years of Commitment

Origins and Mission The “Fondazione Internazionale Menarini” was established in the spring of 1976 to promote research and knowledge in the fields of biology, pharmacology, medicine, economy, and human sciences. The Foundation’s logo is inspired by the 17th-century treatise Novissima Iconologia by Ripa, which is full of symbolic meanings – from Parmenides to Plato’s myth of []

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Bacchus by Caravaggio

Once again, Menarini pays tribute to the great masters of the Italian Renaissance with his multimedia project Pills of Art.  Today, Florentine art expert Bernardo Randelli leads us on a discovery of one of Caravaggio’s most famous and emblematic masterpieces: Bacchus, an oil painting on canvas realized between 1596 and 1598 and preserved in the []

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