Our Health

Prendi il Ritmo

PRENDI IL RITMO (CATCH THE RHYTHM) is a cardiovascular awareness campaign launched by SIIA (Italian Society of Arterial Hypertension) across 1,000 Benu and Valore Salute pharmacies in Italy, with an unrestricted educational grant from Menarini. Heart disease continues to be the number one killer in Western nations. The good news is that we can lower []

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“Diamogli Voce”: COPD? Let’s talk about it!

The first step to improving life with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is to talk about it. But what exactly is COPD? It’s a widespread chronic lung disease characterized by persistent respiratory symptoms caused by abnormalities in the airways and/or lung alveoli, leading to progressive and often irreversible airway obstruction. Common symptoms include chest tightness, []

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Lusofarmaco leads the way in raising awareness about vitamin D deficiency with free screenings and an informative campaign

The importance of Vitamin D and the risks of Hypovitaminosis   Vitamin D deficiency, or hypovitaminosis D, has become a growing concern for both the medical community and the general public in recent years. This is due to increasing awareness of the vital role vitamin D plays in supporting the body’s physiological processes. The history []

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World Diabetes Day: focusing on well-being and diabetes management

Every year on November 14th, the world comes together to celebrate World Diabetes Day, organized by the International Diabetes Federation, in order to raise awareness about a condition that affects over 400 million people globally. This year’s theme, “Diabetes and Well-Being“, emphasizes the importance of not only managing blood sugar levels but also prioritizing overall []

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Autumn health hacks: strategies for navigating the changing season

As the autumn season approaches, maintaining optimal health becomes crucial. Our bodies face various challenges during this transitional period, including exposure to seasonal viruses and bacteria, as well as changes in temperature and humidity that can weaken the immune system. However, proactive steps can be taken to strengthen natural defenses and better manage the effects []

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Menarini’s Commitment to Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Every October, the world comes together to observe Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a global campaign aimed at educating the public about breast cancer, emphasizing the importance of early detection, and supporting those affected by the disease. First launched in 1985 as a week-long awareness initiative, it has since grown into a month-long campaign that engages []

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