Menarini Art

Adoration of the Magi by Filippino Lippi

Art historian Claudio Sagliocco introduces us to a masterpiece by Filippino Lippi in a new Menarini – Pills of Art video: Adoration of the Magi. Created in 1496 and currently displayed in Florence’s prestigious Uffizi Gallery, this painting exemplifies the Florentine Renaissance at its finest, seamlessly blending technical brilliance with profound symbolism and emotional storytelling. []

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“Minuti” Art Edition: winter’s colors through the ages

Minuti, published by Menarini, is a unique fixture in Italian publishing. Created by Fondazione Menarini, the magazine bridges the worlds of science and art, honoring the long-standing connection between medicine and the humanities. The publication later split into two distinct versions: a scientific journal for medical professionals and the “Minuti “Art Edition, which delves into []

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Veronese and the Golden Age of Venetian Art

Paolo Caliari, better known as Veronese, was born in Verona in 1528 and spent most of his artistic career in Venice, where he died in 1588. Along with Titian and Tintoretto, Veronese is considered one of the greatest masters of Venetian painting in the 16th century. Renowned for his large-scale paintings on religious and mythological []

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Annunciation by Simone Martini

Today, art historian Claudio Sagliocco will lead us to the discovery of another masterpiece for a new Menarini – Pills of Art video: Annunciation by Simone Martini. This painting in tempera and gold on panel was commissioned for the Altar of St. Ansano in the Cathedral of Siena, and dates back to 1333. It is []

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Vulcan’s Forge by Vasari

Art historian Claudio Sagliocco takes us to Florence, in the wonderful Uffizi Gallery, to discover oil-on-copper painting Vulcan’s Forge by the Renaissance master Giorgio Vasari. Better known for his biographies of Italian artists in his book “Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects,” Vasari was also a talented painter and architect, operating under []

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