Menarini highlights international art with the Pills of Art Turkey project

The Menarini Group shares a solid and passionate bond with the art world, a bond that dates back to 1956 and has continued to evolve over time, right up to the present day.
From the very beginning, the goal of the Florentine pharmaceutical company has been clear: to bring the public closer to art, beauty, culture, and to those artistic works universally recognised as timeless masterpieces.
Menarini pursues this unique goal of cultivating sensitivity and passion for art by supporting different projects on different media: for example through illustrated monographs of the highest level written by world-famous experts. We’re talking about the Art Volumes series, which saw its first publication in 1956 and is dedicated to the masters of Italian painting and sculpture.
In the following years, another project saw the light, with a shorter format that still manages to convey meaningful information: the informative magazine Minuti, published by the Fondazione Internazionale Menarini since 1977, provides both a Science Edition and an Art Edition, once again with the goal of keeping alive the Group’s humanistic vocation.
The ever changing languages of today’s society, the evolution of communication tools and the advent of new platforms has made it necessary to move towards a multimedia approach.
This is why the Menarini Pills of Art were born, short YouTube videos that guide the audience to the discovery of masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance, suitable for both an adult audience and a younger one thanks to the Pills of Art Junior project.
A project that could not remain confined to the Italian public alone, but over the years has reached multiple audiences. The Pills of Art are available in seven languages: Italian, English, Spanish, French, German, Turkish and Chinese.
But this project has recently acquired a wider dimension: with the goal of making cultural dissemination an international act, following the motto “add art into life“, Menarini Turkey has recently launched the Pills of Art project in Turkey as well.
Menarini entered the Turkish health sector in 2001. The local division of Menarini has a production plant in İstanbul and works to provide people with a healthier future thanks to the work of around 1000 employees.
With Pills of Art Turkey, the synergy between the two companies adds another important piece, by bringing together different stories about the works of Turkey’s most famous artists through short videos.
Thus begins a journey of discovery to Turkish art. A journey that saw its beginning in Florence and now continues abroad, in the name of continuity between art and life, between tradition and innovation.
At the heart of it all is a concrete digital project that supports the desire to give value to art lovers by building a bridge from the Renaissance to modern Turkish art, a meaningful narrative that started in Italy and now reaches Turkey.
A way forward with the goal of bringing together It is a continuation of a journey that has the stated goal of bringing everyone together through the unique beauty of Turkish art, highlighting the creative spirit behind each masterpiece.
The Pills of Art Turkey videos are freely accessible and available in Turkish and English on the Menarini Turkey YouTube channel.