Menarini’s DNA in the world: the Asia Pacific Challenge 2020
The DNA Challenge 2020, rather than a proper “challenge”, is above all an initiative created by Menarini Asia Pacific to express appreciation and share the values of the company: Menarini’s DNA, or the genetic imprint inherited by employees worldwide.
This year the Challenge has been heartfelt like never before. Ten countries – part of the wide DNA-spiral of Menarini – enthusiastically embraced this opportunity to promote team activities and creative initiatives, sources of inspiration and influence for all employees.
Over the three-week Challenge, employees shared photos and videos telling personal anecdotes and curiosities about their daily work life. Beside bringing the Challenge online, staff were equipped with social media skills to create engaging contents.
Already during the first-week Challenge the values and principles which characterize the Company have emerged: challenging work, customer focus, sense of urgency, ambition, team spirit, deepening partnerships and collaborations, integrity, flexibility, showing appreciation, development and growth opportunities.
The top post was shared by Hilman Nurhaiman, a Medical Representative from Indonesia Transfarma Medica Indah. He stood out due to his authenticity in exemplifying Menarini’s DNA through his passion for sport. Thanks to his video – which collected 1,326 views and won the “Top Post” Prize – Hilman gained a voucher of SGD 500 (Singapore dollars).
Trust and joy of partnership between colleagues emerged from an original, fun and “adventurous” way with the Virtual Treasure Hunt and the Aladdin’s Lamp Hunt. These were part of the tapestry of initiatives the creative Human Resources team of Menarini India has been silently doing to import the DNA values in new recruits, rally their employees – as they work remotely – and motivate them. These initiatives, part of the Aladdin project, were awarded a special prize voucher of SGD 1,000.
«The DNA Challenge has created an avenue for bonding. It’s great as it allows people to connect beyond work», said Marina Boyle, HR Director in India.
Menarini China MPH Sales Central Area Team demonstrated the value of appreciation with gestures and heartfelt words to all colleagues in Asia Pacific for their efforts, together in expressing care and concern when times were tough in China.
«No duty is more urgent than giving thanks», upheld the theme of the third and last week of Challenge, inspired by an aphorism by the writer James Allen.
China was crowned the winning country with a $ 2,000 reward voucher! Aside from submitting a full set of 10 “Top Posts” every week, the shared content across all media were well-curated, and the captions were brimming with sincerity and thoughtfulness. The majority of posts were also uploaded onto personal social media accounts – truly running with the opportunity to be staff advocates for Menarini.
«We sincerely thank Menarini’s senior management for expressing care, concern and assistance towards Wuhan employees during the pandemic. […] Due to these actions, we are able to resonate with Menarini’s DNA and Spirit. Thank you sincerely».
In addition, “Ask the Leaders Anything” Series, a short set of videos starred the leaders of several branches of Menarini Asia Pacific. With lightness and humor, the leaders respond to the most disparate questions, sharing their ideas and visions, their work routine, relationships with other team members and some curiosities about their personal life.
From the distribution of masks to the extra work in organizing alternative conferences: everyone benefitted from fostering stronger relationships, deepening partnerships and collaborations with colleagues, partners and medical professionals, and show appreciation for the work of others.
The Asia Pacific Community is proud and glad of the great camaraderie of the great Menarini family, which enhances and supports its employees.
The goal of the DNA Challenge 2020 is to show to the world what is the real feeling of all employees: We are Menarinians.