RunInspired! 2021 and the Menarini Asia Pacific commitment to support kidney failure patients

Menarini Asia Pacific “jumps” in 2021 alongside the National Kidney Foundation (NKF), running for a good cause: to inspire and support people suffering from kidney failure. The number of new cases has increased about 60% over the past 10 years with diabetes being the number-one-cause of kidney failure. However, more than half who have diabetes []

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ART FOR EVERYONE! Menarini Pills of Art Junior: a new amazing series for the youngest.

Following on from the success of Pills of Art – whose videos have made 18 million views worldwide – Menarini launches a new version dedicated to children and teens. In this new and fresh series, children have a starring role. Precisely the kids are the ones asking the art expert the most disparate questions – []

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A new digital tool for therapy management: TheraKey by BERLIN-CHEMIE Menarini

For over 100 years, BERLIN-CHEMIE has stood for innovative research and production of newly developed as well as proven pharmaceutical products. As part of the global Menarini Group, BERLIN-CHEMIE’s goal is to introduce new drugs to help ill patients and improve their quality of life.  After more than 2 years of development, BERLIN-CHEMIE – responsible []

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Menarini Pills of Art: Mary Magdalene by Pietro Perugino

Florence, Palatine Gallery of Palazzo Pitti. Here, the expert in Florentine Art Olivera Stojovic introduces to us a minor work by Perugino, born as Pietro Vannucci. A small oil painting panel and a delicate example of femininity and beauty: the Mary Magdalene. The artwork measures 47×34 cm and depicts a “modern”, not suffering Mary Magdalene. []

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Coronavirus: Menarini Diagnostics opens new frontiers

Menarini Diagnostics is part of the leading Italian Pharmaceutical Group worldwide. and it has affiliates covering most of Europe and the world. Relying on a strong and time-honoured experience, it is an important reality among companies that believe and invest in Research and Development. In the very first days when the Covid-19 epidemic began to []

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Telemedicine, the new era in digital health

This year, due to the effects of the Covid-19 emergency, telemedicine has seen exponential growth, and many technological and organisational developments – which would have probably been implemented in coming years – have been completed and implemented during these months of lockdown. But what exactly is telemedicine? As suggested by the name, “tele” derives from []

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