Menarini looks towards the future respecting the environment

Making a company protecting the environment and the safety of its employees is an ambitious project, but possible. This is demonstrated by the many measures that Menarini Group has adopted over the years, with a precise objective: increasing the level of sustainability. For example, the energy needs have been significatively reduced, contributing – as a []

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Menarini Pills of Art: The Story of Lucretia by Filippino Lippi

Florence, Palatine Gallery of Pitti Palace, Room of Ulysses. Here, Olivera Stojovic, expert in Florentine Art, introduces to us a youthful work by Filippino Lippi: The Story of Lucretia. The painting shows the death of Lucretia, and was combined with another panel – also by Lippi – representing the story of another Roman heroine, Virginia []

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World Antimicrobial Resistance Week: Menarini is present

All the initiatives of Menarini to spread awareness on a topic which threatens global health. World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2020, 18 – 24 November  The use of antibiotics has changed our lives forever. Diseases that in the past could cause death (such as pneumonia) nowadays can be cured through an antibiotic therapy prescribed by the doctor. []

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United, even at a distance: Menarini Asia Pacific’s initiatives in times of pandemic

A first work day almost always warrants excitement. A new office, a new desk, new bosses, and new colleagues to share important professional projects with but also leisure time. The energy that usually characterises the debut in the company, since March 2020, for many new employees of Menarini Group, has remained at home. In fact, []

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“Telltale” cells in the blood to fight Coronavirus: Fondazione Menarini organises an online congress together with the scientific community

The Menarini International Foundation at the forefront of promoting the culture of prevention and scientific education on COVID-19. A simple blood test could help detect which patients are most at risk of developing serious forms of COVID-19 beforehand. This is the purpose of an experimental study underway at the University of Milan Luigi Sacco Hospital []

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Pills… of Research: Preclinical Studies

Here we are once again for what has become our customary lesson on research. In the last edition, we took a look at the long journey a molecule must take to become a drug, focusing on the first step: Discovery. Now, let’s take a step forward and look at the second stage of development, dedicated []

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