The Menarini Foundation creates the Coronavirus Library: the virtual library on Covid-19

Menarini’s goal: everyone’s health.

The Menarini International Foundation always puts health first. “We are experiencing the most serious and global nightmare of our lives,” comments Dr. Louis J. Ignarro, Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1988 and member of the Scientific Committee of the Menarini International Foundation since October 2019, he also adds that “the coronavirus responsible of Covid-19 is a highly contagious and virulent virus that completely changed our lives in a very short space of time.”

We are at the forefront to support health professionals every day to tackle the Coronavirus pandemic that has affected most of our planet. To this purpose, the Menarini Foundation has created a support service to enhance the development of knowledge on this completely new and unknown pathogen. Hence, the realization of the “Coronavirus Library”, a completely free virtual library dedicated to the whole scientific community and health professionals: infectious disease specialists, virologists, pulmonologists, cardiologists, pediatricians, neurologists, immunologists, internists, nurses and for anyone interested in deepen the topic on scientific references.

The library offers a constantly updated list of the most relevant articles taken from the main international journals of medicine and science. The initiative was announced by Dr. Louis J. Ignarro, who will supervise the selection of the contents published in the Library, wishing that “the service would be appreciated and above all used to increase the comprehension of a very important but extremely complicated topic“.

The organization of the Coronavirus Library

The Coronavirus Library of the Menarini International Foundation comprises different shelves to facilitate the consultation of contents, such as: ongoing experimentations, epidemiological data, immunology, virology, infectious disease, therapies and official guidelines.   

The articles, in order to offer a reasoned collection of the most relevant data, are all validated by the scientific community through a peer reviewing process and supervised by the Nobel Prize for Medicine Louis J. Ignarro.

Andrea Cossarizza, collaborator of the Menarini International Foundation, Full Professor of General Pathology, Vice-President of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and President of the International Society for Advancement of Citometry, asserts that “the Coronavirus Library is an easy-to-access, clear and valid service, even more […] necessary in a phase in which, due to the coronavirus emergency, all the usual medical updating activities are suspended or hardly carried out.  The virtual library is a proficient guideline on the large amount of scientific publications for health professionals, in the search for verified and remarkable data and information. With this database we want to substantially support the advancement and dissemination of knowledge about coronavirus, in order to progress more quickly and more effectively in the fight against Covid-19 “.

The virtual library is an additional support that the Menarini International Foundation offers to those who work in the medical and scientific fields. In addition to the vital treatments and assistance in hospitals, it is also with the advancements of scientific knowledge that we will be able to save many other lives.

Discover our initiatives to fight Covid-19: the conversion of part of our factory in Florence into the production of hand sanitizer gel to be donated to hospitals and the distribution agreement signed by Menarini Diagnostics for a Covid-19 diagnosis kit, capable to give results in twenty minutes.